the whole thing started off with the whole group waiting for xue ying who was quite late.and by whole group i mean 10+ people...the full attendence list was me,nai yu,henry,gordon,stanley,ben quek,wilberg,shawn(who came later),felicia,sheryl,elvia,eunice,joyce,wan xin,liying,jasmine(who came later with mr lau) and of course ke li.on the teacher's side,only mr lau was present...funny how he's always the only teacher around at our class outings...
So after xue ying arrived,the whole gigantic group of us took our own sweet time walking out of the station and to the bus stop.for those who have never been to marina bay,the place has only 2 bus services that are sporadic at best so getting anywhere there takes a hell of a time.
after a cramped bus ride,we got to the steamboat centre.nai yu and gordon led us to a particular restaurant because the food there was better as compared to the that time,i think that we should have decided as a group but looking back,it wasn't too bad...the place definately had a wide variety but had some self-service policies that weren't very this,i mean that they just gave us 4 live crabs and expected us to clean and cook them ourselves...its all very good for families with somebody who cooks but we're students for crying out loud!!its not as if we have extensive instrution in the kitchen...its probably enough that we could cook our own food,mostly meat and some meat on the side.
the NDP 2006 preview was also today so half-way through dinner we got a free fireworks show...its was nice but i couldn't get any pictures of it...haiz,sad.
after we finished dinner,it was time for entertainment and amusement...of course some of us had to get home but a sizable group still went down to the arcade and pool place...put it this way,we had to open 3 tables and still we had to double up at one table and 3 people didn't join was there that i took my revenge against Jasmine and had Round 2 with Ben...i beat both of them in the first round we played then i took it easy afterwards...jasmine came back to beat me in the second round with me having 6 balls left...not very good i admit.but in my defence,i was feeling lazy so i used the snooker strategy.but next time...heheh,we'll one regret is that i couldn't play with mr lau.elvia also surprised me in that shes quite a good player somewhere around jorim's and jeremy's standard which is to say above me
after pool,a even more reduced group went to the that point,only ben,mr lau,jasmine,li ying and xue ying were still around...i played a bit of time crisis 2 and watch jasmine and xue ying play the para para thing.we also tried to persuade mr lau to try it but he adamantly refused...i suppose part of it is that if we got a video of it and threatened to show it to the school...well,you can work it out.the funny thing is,for an irrational moment,i was considering trying it out myself but eventually decided against it.
by the time we all finished,it was past 10.30 and the most prudent course of action would be to get home before we all got grounded.unfortunately,the train was having a few cock-ups.i swear that when ichecked the time to next train,it said 3 min but the next time i looked it was 4.finally the train came but it was not for boarding so we had to wait for the next one.i am convinced that we had to wait for at least a half-hourbefore we could get aboard the is normal in Singapore,the train was super got to the point that if the train jerked,you wouldn't stimble cos you were jammed against another person.
one interestin thing is that li ying called her boyfriend to also get on the train and afterward walk her home...the only problem is that both of them had no idea of which compartment they were in so it was worring for a while.of course,he eventually met up with her as he was in the next was also the first time i got a good,up close look at her boyfriend...til now it was see them together but stay a discreet and respectful distance away so as not to also made things a bit interesting for me since li ying and i walk the same route home at first with her going right and me going straight at a point...even then a long general strategy was speed and ignorance...that simply means that i walked as fast as i could and completely ignored her when i walked past the both of them...Li Ying,if u ever read this,i didn't mean to be rude,i just thought that i shouldn't be a lampost/lightbulb...funnily enough,when i looked back before crossing the road,i saw no sign of them...and i don't think i walked that fast...i wonder what they were doing...
think thats all i want to say...i better go to sleep if i want to wake up for church tomorrow...goodnight.zzzzzzzzzzzzz

mr lau losing at table soccer