I really don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote the last post…can everyone who read it please forget it? I would delete it but I don’t know how…such a noob. Anyway, school today was the typical Monday blues where time passes in slow motion and occasionally takes tea breaks. One good thing is that I end at 2.35 pm on Mondays so I don’t need to suffer til 5...that’s what Tuesdays are for.
One thing im really procrastinating about is my KI essays…the titles are all so f***ed up that I can barely crap up 2 pages worth while others can happily write 3 pages or more…freaks…
I also committed suicide by promising luke lau in front of witnesses that I would pull off a A for Wednesday’s chem test…if I could have heard myself, I would have thought I was drunk…WHAT POSSESSED ME TO SAY THAT?!?! Any way, a promise is a promise so I better go study now…
Oh, just a short note, PW IS POINTLESS AND IRRITATING. And it also costs a fortune in printing thanks to the double line spacing…honestly, its not as if teachers are that blind or that we can make so many mistakes that they can’t write all the corrections in the margins…sigh…
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
thoughts on life and love
Its been quite a normal week for me since my last update…of course, normal is relative and my normal means a typical JC students life…work, stress, work, sleep(optional). Of course, I’m probably exaggerating. As of the moment, I’m still waiting for Shawn that %$!* >?{“!($& to send me his part of the WR…
Today, I went to the airport with the intent of studying but I couldn’t find a seat either at Starbucks of The Coffee Bean so I ended up wandering aimlessly before I decided to go home. But as I was walking around, I had some strange, philosophical thoughts…I blame KI for that.
What I thought of was that in life, we are all actually very much alone. We only reach out at times to others then retreat back to our own bubble that is our life. When I considered it more closely, its actually true. While you can say that you have many friends, if constant contact is not maintained, you actually break off from them. Think of people you knew in the 1st 3 months in JC who went on to other institutions. How many have you not seen in weeks? And how many have you lost contact with since the ‘o’ level results came out or even before that?
If you go further back in time to your secondary or even your primary school, how many people can you truly remember if you haven’t seen them since you graduated? For all you know, you can walk past them on the street and if they changed hairstyle, wore contacts or made some other appearance changes, you would never be able to recognize them as that annoying person who sat behind you in P4.
Think now of the friends you have and then imagine the future. Do you honestly think that, barring them joining your university course, you would ever meet up with them 10 years down the road? More likely, you would be hanging out with your colleagues, or for guys, with your NS buddies. The only likely time to get together would be alumni dinners or weddings. But as time goes by, even those would be replaced by other people until you’re old and senile. Simply, you came into this world alone and you would leave this world alone.
Yet, one bond will keep people linked together, maybe for eternity. Love. Love will link your parents and you, your siblings and you, maybe even your spouse and you. So I say trust in love, trust in its existence and the certainty that you can and will find it, because love will link people to you and you to people for the rest of your life and maybe beyond that. As Nicholas Sparks wrote in The Notebook “maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other. And maybe each time, we’ve been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a good bye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.”
Today, I went to the airport with the intent of studying but I couldn’t find a seat either at Starbucks of The Coffee Bean so I ended up wandering aimlessly before I decided to go home. But as I was walking around, I had some strange, philosophical thoughts…I blame KI for that.
What I thought of was that in life, we are all actually very much alone. We only reach out at times to others then retreat back to our own bubble that is our life. When I considered it more closely, its actually true. While you can say that you have many friends, if constant contact is not maintained, you actually break off from them. Think of people you knew in the 1st 3 months in JC who went on to other institutions. How many have you not seen in weeks? And how many have you lost contact with since the ‘o’ level results came out or even before that?
If you go further back in time to your secondary or even your primary school, how many people can you truly remember if you haven’t seen them since you graduated? For all you know, you can walk past them on the street and if they changed hairstyle, wore contacts or made some other appearance changes, you would never be able to recognize them as that annoying person who sat behind you in P4.
Think now of the friends you have and then imagine the future. Do you honestly think that, barring them joining your university course, you would ever meet up with them 10 years down the road? More likely, you would be hanging out with your colleagues, or for guys, with your NS buddies. The only likely time to get together would be alumni dinners or weddings. But as time goes by, even those would be replaced by other people until you’re old and senile. Simply, you came into this world alone and you would leave this world alone.
Yet, one bond will keep people linked together, maybe for eternity. Love. Love will link your parents and you, your siblings and you, maybe even your spouse and you. So I say trust in love, trust in its existence and the certainty that you can and will find it, because love will link people to you and you to people for the rest of your life and maybe beyond that. As Nicholas Sparks wrote in The Notebook “maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other. And maybe each time, we’ve been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a good bye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.”
Monday, August 21, 2006
maths...need i go on???
it is now tmr and has been so for the past 56 min...i'm sitting in front of my laptop, trying to study econs but taking occasional breaks now and then...i have spent approximately the last 7 hours in front of my laptop doing my lit presentation, eom and now my econs test.
the week was kinda fun, missed church yesterday(or today depending on your idea of tomorrow) cos i overslept...sorry guys! went bowling for triton for interhouse games on saturday...its been a long time since i bowled so my score pulled the team down...in the end we lost to the second by a .9 pins average per player per game...that means that if each of us had gotten one more pin for each game we played,we would have won...thats depressing...such a small margin. Khairil was really good though, too bad he had to go for a soccer match else we might have gotten second.
had a vectors test on friday and i really want to complain about it...apparently our period starts at 7.50(yeah,right) so we were 3 mins late. whats more, the invigilator told us that we would stop 5 min before the bell which meant 8.40 cos the period ends at 8.45. instead, we ended at 8.30...after that, they took 15 min to count our papers...that is seriously lame...do they have to use calculators and algebric equations to determine the number of papers in front of them??compare that to the chem department or the econs department...each of them takes 5, at most 10 min...i mean, we can finish an econs test and the lecturer can still have 5 min to do a brief intro of his topic. honestly, the J1 maths department is probably the worst department in the college.
better stop here or the maths department might trace this blog and "pick me up" for a quiet torture/brain-washing session to completely indoctrinate me to their unquestionable superiority over the other departments...and of course that econs test didn't conveiniently go away...
the week was kinda fun, missed church yesterday(or today depending on your idea of tomorrow) cos i overslept...sorry guys! went bowling for triton for interhouse games on saturday...its been a long time since i bowled so my score pulled the team down...in the end we lost to the second by a .9 pins average per player per game...that means that if each of us had gotten one more pin for each game we played,we would have won...thats depressing...such a small margin. Khairil was really good though, too bad he had to go for a soccer match else we might have gotten second.
had a vectors test on friday and i really want to complain about it...apparently our period starts at 7.50(yeah,right) so we were 3 mins late. whats more, the invigilator told us that we would stop 5 min before the bell which meant 8.40 cos the period ends at 8.45. instead, we ended at 8.30...after that, they took 15 min to count our papers...that is seriously lame...do they have to use calculators and algebric equations to determine the number of papers in front of them??compare that to the chem department or the econs department...each of them takes 5, at most 10 min...i mean, we can finish an econs test and the lecturer can still have 5 min to do a brief intro of his topic. honestly, the J1 maths department is probably the worst department in the college.
better stop here or the maths department might trace this blog and "pick me up" for a quiet torture/brain-washing session to completely indoctrinate me to their unquestionable superiority over the other departments...and of course that econs test didn't conveiniently go away...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
another f***ed up day,another "strongly-worded" entry
i'm in the school library, supposedly doing research, but in essence slacking off and updating this thing. jus a quick short update...
16/8/06: attended a NE talk which is for all intents and purposes a glorified propaganda session. it got to the point that me, wilberg, ben and xue ying were playing tai-di(big 2). stayed back after that for the CRAC, college representative appreciation ceremony, boring but there was free food so it was kinda worth it.
today, committed suicide by taking the independent study topics of either archeology or palentology for my KI. i have NO IDEA what to do...maths test and chem spa tomorrow...going to study them today...i better remember to buy coffee on the way home...
16/8/06: attended a NE talk which is for all intents and purposes a glorified propaganda session. it got to the point that me, wilberg, ben and xue ying were playing tai-di(big 2). stayed back after that for the CRAC, college representative appreciation ceremony, boring but there was free food so it was kinda worth it.
today, committed suicide by taking the independent study topics of either archeology or palentology for my KI. i have NO IDEA what to do...maths test and chem spa tomorrow...going to study them today...i better remember to buy coffee on the way home...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
another slack day,another short update
a short update on me...i have been staying at home since the holiday and i have done ABSOLUTELY NO WORK!!!all i've been doing is watching dvds,downloading songs and reading books...not textbooks,books.kinda worried about that but strangely, i feel no conscious stress at all...my subconcious will probably torture me later on.
yep, my life is boring but im content with it. at least i dun have to wake up for school...wonder how mr lau is doing marking our chem test...
National Day pic that i mentioned in my last entry...patriotic,but stupid
yep, my life is boring but im content with it. at least i dun have to wake up for school...wonder how mr lau is doing marking our chem test...

National Day pic that i mentioned in my last entry...patriotic,but stupid
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
national day...at least there are fireworks and holidayz...
hey,there, i'm finally updating again...got lazy and didn't really feel like logging in. From Monday then,
7/9/06: nothing much happened except that i skipped the extra maths lesson to do my lit assignment. not much logic but i did have my reasons. i would also now like to comment on the link between other people's words and actions. apparently, people in my class don't really follow through...say pon but in the end still go. i guess i can give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they possibly changed their minds at the last second...but i guess a lot of it also has to do with peer pressure...your friends pon then u also go along. the only problem that i see with that is that who starts the ball rolling? afterwards i had to dress up and go down to republic plaza which is around raffles place mrt. wilberg also made comments on my outfit that really makes me want to kill him. to any readers who might know me, i only dress up for a few things, weddings, funerals,my dad bringing me to these posh places that sort of thing. the only time i will EVER dress up for a school event is the prom if i do go.
8/9/06: gave serious consideration to ponning the celebration so i could get some sleep. i still went in the end though. parts of the celebration were still worth it though like the teacher's performance and the ridiculous getup of people in class. they painted a letter on a red shirt and spelled i *heart* Singapore with it. afterwards i went for the dreaded econs test. it was pretty much a waste of time because i was writing pure crap throughout. i think jasmine, adeline they all also ponned the test but not too sure about that. maybe i should have left with them...gordon,naiyu,wilberg and i went out to white sands mac for lunch after the test. talked about a lot of stuff like wilberg getting dumped *** times, gordon and his ex and some other stuff. gordon ps us to go somewhere to do something so wilberg,naiyu and i ended up going to katong where we played pool along with some of naiyu's tk friends. some of them were quite irritating but didn't hang around much with them. after that naiyu,wilberg and the tk guys went bowling while i played lan with some s403 guys. one note to make is that the pool place was absolutely swamped with mjc people. they definately got a LOT of business that day. it was also quite cheap(my game was only $5) but the tables SUCKED. lan wasn't too bad but i only played one match with them. used my mainstay,the slayer. got about 9 kills but 2 were ks. my teammates were rally good though, joshua and gerrard from 06S403. they got like 10 and 24 kills respectively. i feel so noob thinking about it.gotta go and practice more.
yep, thats my life up to now. slacking off, not doing work, blogging and looking forward to the fire works and sleeping late tomorrow. CYA
7/9/06: nothing much happened except that i skipped the extra maths lesson to do my lit assignment. not much logic but i did have my reasons. i would also now like to comment on the link between other people's words and actions. apparently, people in my class don't really follow through...say pon but in the end still go. i guess i can give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they possibly changed their minds at the last second...but i guess a lot of it also has to do with peer pressure...your friends pon then u also go along. the only problem that i see with that is that who starts the ball rolling? afterwards i had to dress up and go down to republic plaza which is around raffles place mrt. wilberg also made comments on my outfit that really makes me want to kill him. to any readers who might know me, i only dress up for a few things, weddings, funerals,my dad bringing me to these posh places that sort of thing. the only time i will EVER dress up for a school event is the prom if i do go.
8/9/06: gave serious consideration to ponning the celebration so i could get some sleep. i still went in the end though. parts of the celebration were still worth it though like the teacher's performance and the ridiculous getup of people in class. they painted a letter on a red shirt and spelled i *heart* Singapore with it. afterwards i went for the dreaded econs test. it was pretty much a waste of time because i was writing pure crap throughout. i think jasmine, adeline they all also ponned the test but not too sure about that. maybe i should have left with them...gordon,naiyu,wilberg and i went out to white sands mac for lunch after the test. talked about a lot of stuff like wilberg getting dumped *** times, gordon and his ex and some other stuff. gordon ps us to go somewhere to do something so wilberg,naiyu and i ended up going to katong where we played pool along with some of naiyu's tk friends. some of them were quite irritating but didn't hang around much with them. after that naiyu,wilberg and the tk guys went bowling while i played lan with some s403 guys. one note to make is that the pool place was absolutely swamped with mjc people. they definately got a LOT of business that day. it was also quite cheap(my game was only $5) but the tables SUCKED. lan wasn't too bad but i only played one match with them. used my mainstay,the slayer. got about 9 kills but 2 were ks. my teammates were rally good though, joshua and gerrard from 06S403. they got like 10 and 24 kills respectively. i feel so noob thinking about it.gotta go and practice more.
yep, thats my life up to now. slacking off, not doing work, blogging and looking forward to the fire works and sleeping late tomorrow. CYA
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